Obedience Show Results 2017
Southern Golden Retriever Society Results
Obedience Show 2017 Results
Limited Obedience Show Saturday 13th August 2017
Judges Mick Moloney Introductory and Beginners Report
Darren Saunders Pre Beginners and Novice Report
Introductory 21 entries

1st Mr R Fowler Leititia Aperta By Ferrari
2nd Mrs L.J. Thomas Cinderford Blaise Of Glory
3rd Ms P Byrn Meddobe Ann Hathaway
4th Mr & Mrs S. Beardshall Qumaara Incantato
5th Mrs P. Routledge Qumaara Shae
6th Mrs B. Sutton Qumaara Batticuore
Pre-Beginner 21 entries

1st Mrs CA. Collie Glenlomond Uallach
2nd Mrs B. Hewitt Qumaara Kazanjian
3rd Mrs J Brimley Kensalroag Catch The Wind
4th Mrs P Routledge Qumaara Shae
5th Mrs M Barnard Tiltham St Kitts
6th Ms P Byrn Meddobe Ann Hathaway
Beginner 19 entries

1st Mrs B. Hewitt Qumaara Kazanjian
2nd Mrs D Farnham Pandreft Isadora
3rd Mr I Richardson Sarama Summer Song
4th Mrs S Lidinson Evergolden Wizards Majic
5th Mr D Wimsett Palharvest Autominal Gold
6th Mrs M Barnard Tiltham St Kitts
Novice 16 entries

1st Mrs K Menter Varches Topaz Jewel
2nd Mrs K Menter Varches Summertime
3rd Ms H Wallis Yuletide Joyfull Jasper
4th Mrs S Ashley Maluraya MiltonDuff at Petabeck
5th Mrs D Farnham Pandreft Isadora
6th Mrs S Ashley Maluraya Macduff at Petabeck