Inter Club Working Test

On Sunday 9th July 2023 the Society was privileged and proud to host the 2023 Golden Retriever Inter-Club Working Tests at Randolphs Farm, Hurstpierpoint, West Sussex. Judges were Di Stevens, Robert Worrall, Kim Jinks, James Bailey, Chris Marshall and David Breach. We are indebted to all the helpers, dummy throwers, placers, stewards and scorer. Thanks must also go to our generous sponsors Skinners, Acme Whistles, Gamekeeper Goods, JTAC K9, The caterer for the event was “The Paella Pan” who made a couple of delicious big pan traditional Paella, everyone was also treated to Strawberries and Cream.
1st and winning the Pinecrest Trophy was The Midland GRC.
Lucy Mixture running Rolhaygarth Aira at Kaliture (Novice.)
Sally Richardson running Timothy Plum at Hartley Jean (Open.)
Laurie Pittaway running Crystalstream Raffles (Novice.)
Jill Gardner running Polihale Tikka of Foxcote (Open.)
2nd were Eastern Counties GRC.
Edith Kreutner running Auchenclach Fable (Novice.)
Jacqui Crew running Hanans Kertis (Open.)
Ian Baker running Callanway Claccan of Maddouse (Novice.)
Shaun Baker running Tawnyhill Iwan (Open.)
3rd Northern Golden
Retriever Association.
Anne Crookes running Moscargrange Elijah (Novice)
Gary Collier running Goosetree Shooting Star (Open.)
Dave Haycock running Montoux’s Cecil (Novice.)
Karis Bakewell running Lanlwyd Morretti (Open.)
4th GRC Northumbria.
Nathan Laffy running
Think Twice Viking at Grovery (Novice)
Fay Drewry running Think Twice One Shot (Open.)
Laura Lazzaretto running Think Twice Urban Cowboy (Novice)
Pieter Vivijs running Think Twice One Man Show (Open.)
Top Novice and Top Overall dog was Laurie Pittaway running Crystalstream Raffles.
Top Open dog was Adrian Phillips running Castlemans Soul Man for GRCScotland.
The Cannon Cup was awarded to Nathan Laffy running Think Twice Viking at Grovery for youngest dog in the awards.
Photo shows the winning team
Members, Please note there is a typo in the Voting Papers relating to the Annual Accounts. Obviously the 2019 Accounts were approved in 2020, and this year’s vote relates to the published 2020 accounts which are accessed on the website. Please note this correction. Thank you
The Golden Era by Malcolm Morecroft
Many of you will remember the publication of the book ‘From Yellow to Golden’ written by SGRS member Malcolm Morecroft. Well, he has now written a follow on book called ‘The Golden Era’ which is now available for sale.
As with the first book, Malcolm donates some of the proceeds to Medical Detection Dogs, so when you buy a copy of this latest book you will also be supporting MDD.
Either book is priced at £12 for a paperback copy or £22 for a hardback copy. The price includes UK postage. To order a copy, please click here for the Order Form
This is a synopsis of the new book, The Golden Era, produced by Mary Jarrett.
‘The Golden Era’
This eagerly awaited second book on the history of the golden retriever is a must-read for all enthusiasts of the breed. It will also take lovers of the Scottish Highlands, of country life and of social history on a fascinating feel-good journey, most of which spans the half century into the 1920’s.
The reader is introduced briefly to powerful characters who appeared in ‘From Yellow to Golden’, but primarily this new book tells of others who pushed forward the development of the breed and whose achievements form a further invaluable part of golden retriever history.
We are indebted to the author and his wife, Christine, not forgetting their own golden girl, Angel, for the many hours of personal research and travel undertaken to put together this detailed yet immensely enjoyable archive.
The ‘Tailpiece’ – appropriately so-called in more ways than one! – brings readers right up to the present day by means of the author’s own observations, reminding us that the work of people connected with these highly intelligent , versatile working dogs and loyal companions goes on apace.
With its beautiful dust jacket, The Golden Era’ would make an excellent gift or worthwhile addition to a library shelf. Available in hard or paperback, the pages of this little book sing with the author’s love and respect for his subject and turn a factual record into something much more.
This is a journey not to be missed, aided by evocative illustrations and a delightful doff of the cap towards a humour which would be readily appreciated by many of those whose stories grace its pages.
“Hello SGRS Members. You may remember that in last year’s Christmas Newsletter it was reported that a good friend of the SGRS, Julia Whiting, had put forward MDD to her company Odyssey Re as a charity that they might consider supporting along with others from their Charitable Trust. They did, and donated £8815 to MDD to help train a dog to be called – Odyssey.
This year, Julia’s company, Odyssey Re, have once again included MDD in their annual Charitable Trust donations and given them a further £5000!
Well done to Julia and Clare Pearson from MDD, for doing such a great job in presenting MDD to Odyssey’s Management last year – and many thanks to Odyssey for their incredible generosity again this year, July 2020.”
Inter Club Working Test

Photo by Hilly Hoar
Southern U.K. Inter club Gundog Team Match
Held on Sunday 2nd July 2017
At Windsor Great Park by Gracious invitation of H.M. the Queen
And hosted by Arun and Downland Gundog Society.
The SGRS team were:
ND/NH. Irene Bird with Tarinomagh Atar
Novice. Jean Baveystock with Polihale Bucks Fizz at Baveybuilt
Open. Toni Sanders with Holway Pippa of Tarinomagh
The day was very hot, little breeze with strong sunshine so the scent was poor.
Six very interesting tests had been set up for us.
Our hosts gave us a magnificent packed lunch each.
We started under Roger Wade with 3 marks in a young fir plantation . The furthest one for the Open dog fell just over the brow of the hill. Pippa earned a 20.
Colin Pelham judged a blind down a track for the N/H, a seen to the right for the Novice and a difficult blind past where the N/H dummy had been for the Open. Pippa made it look very easy too.
We went onto the water judged by Mary-Jane Opie. The N/H had a seen in the water while the Novice dog had an unseen almost in the same place. Open blind dummy was at an angle across the water. The three Goldies really enjoyed that one! Soaking the Judge with energetic shaking!
The Walkup Test judged by Helena Sully was in a large field of very difficult dry cover and of course poor scent. Pippa again did well.
We then made our way thankfully back into the shady woods for a pickup exercise judged by Kieran Smith. We had to nominate the dummy to be picked by each dog. It was quite difficult to keep your dog in sight.
Our final test was under John Stubbs. This proved the hardest, not just for our team!
Three blind dummies were placed in a grassy area with three distinctive trees & shots fired. What we couldn’t see was a track directly in front and the dogs had to cross this into the grass.
Irene went first, with a 20! Fizz and Pippa didn’t do so well!
We finished the day with tea & cakes. It was certainly a day to remember, all our dogs did their best for us and Irene certainly learnt a great deal from the experience. It is always a privilege to represent SGRS but this time we were not in the awards.
The Match was won by URC Southern, who will be hosting the event in 2018.
Jean Baveystock
Team Captain
Inter Club Working Test for Golden Retrievers – 25th June 2017
Results of the Inter-Club Working Test held on 25th June 2017 in Wales hosted by the Golden Retriever Club of Wales
Click for Report here

1st SGRS- P Blount & Hanwoodgold Archie; A Ward-Smith & Lochnabo Glorious Golden; A Phillips & Castlemans Soul Man; D Godding & Kaliture Cathmor
2nd GRC – K Jinks & Mistybrook Ochre;F Baird & Treynair Drimmie; R Atkinson & Tarinomagh Anna of Holway; J Crew & Echobrook Dexster
3rd SWGRC – S Winter & Roughbeat Serafina of Philchris; J Evans & Tallygold Mulberry; J Williamson & Tealcreek Miss Understood; S McGroaty & Tealcreek Hamish at Tan
4th GRCS – P Williams & Castlemans Soul Mate; L Roberts & Millgreen Capercaillie; J Deeming & Roughbeat Gabriella of Golden Vine; L Mitchell & Modbury Abeytu of Tallichgold
Highest Novice & Overall Top dog P Williams Castlemans Soul Mate
Highest Open dog K McCarthy’s Kaliture Cuinn by