Report on Working Training Day 30th April 2023
Report on Training Day 30th April 2023
After a great deal of turmoil with weather and saturated ground, and having to abandon 2 venues we managed to put on a training day for those that wished to take part. This is with many thanks to our Chairman, Sue Ashley, who kindly allowed us to us her premises. Unfortunately because of the limited space available, we were not able to have the same type of day that we usually have i.e. training in the morning and a small test in the afternoon. Instead we had to split the group into real beginners for a morning training session and the more experienced group in the afternoon for their training session.
This format worked very well and all the participants seemed to enjoy their day out.
Of course I must mention our stalwart trainer James Reavil, who did a magnificent job with his very gifted way of teaching. He even managed to get some sponsorship from Sporting Saint gundog training Equipment, who donated a small bag of goodies to all our participants. Thank you James.
During the afternoon session, James was assessing the dogs and handlers to choose who he considered to be progressing well and as a result he selected Angela CODLING with her dog Littleholty Sweet Dreams to be in receipt of an extra gift of a brand new dummy.
Ray Gait
W/Test Secretary